Susan Beth

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2020 VISION Clarity Check

At the beginning of the year I circled February 20 in my planner. The numbers 2.20.20 stood out to me and looking forward I thought it would be a good day to reflect on how my 2020 Vision intentions were holding up!

As you know, this time of year can be tricky!! We’re coming off of several months filled with anticipation and celebrating Holidays. Thank goodness we get to celebrate the New Year right after Christmas so we can keep the “Holiday High” going! And this year we not only welcomed in a fresh, new beautiful year but a NEW DECADE!!

The reason I think this time of year is tricky is that enough weeks have gone by and we lived enough ‘normal’ days of this new year that just might be leading us to believe 2020 is just going to be more of the same.

This year I also discovered there is something called “Blue Monday” Have you ever heard of it?!? Supposedly it’s the 3rd Monday of the year and it’s claimed to be the most depressing day of the year. The reasons most likely being the extra expenses from the Holidays catching up with people as well as the reasons I mentioned above.

We start a new year with our hearts and mind filled with tiny snapshots of areas we want to grow and move forward in our life. So it can be a let down a few weeks or months in to see those ideas and intentions of progress have faded away…

That’s why I am here for a Vision clarity check. Who else is here for it?!?

Here’s the ONE question for you!

Are you making progress and WHY or WHY NOT?

We tend to over complicate things.

This faith journey we’re on is easy/hard. Kind of like a ‘peaceful fight’!

Scripture calls it the ‘fight of faith’. But here’s where we make it complicated, we either are overly focused on the fight or we completely ignore the fact that we are in a fight!

YES, we are in a fight but we already know we win! We fight from a place of victory. Meaning the fight is to keep standing, to keep believing truth over lies, to keep pursuing God and all he has for us when the enemy of our soul is yelling in our ear to give up!

So if your answer is yes that you are making progress, then keep on keeping on!

If your answer is no, that you aren’t making progress, then I’m sure we both know the reason for that…

I have more thoughts on that but I’m going to stop there because that one question is all we need to honestly answer to move forward. I’m not saying it’s easy. But I am reminding you that you are NOT fighting alone… EVER!

Together with eyes on Him!