A Christmas To Remember
This will definitely be a Christmas we remember...
My two oldest children, Erica and Alexis and my nephew Richie were in a car accident on Tuesday, December 6th on their way to the church. My nephew was pretty banged up, but not hospitalized. Both of my girls were taken to a trauma unit and both had to have surgery due to injuries. After days in ICU and 11 days in the hospital, both girls are now at home continuing in their healing and recovery process.
[caption id="attachment_536" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Erica - First Night in ICU"][/caption]
My husband was able to be at the scene just a few moments after the accident and went to the girls in the car and prayed over them and spoke life to their bodies. I truly believe things could have been much worse.
When I first saw them in the emergency room, it felt like a dream as my husband and I moved in between the two rooms praying over the girls and communicating with the doctors. I kept communicating to both of them "Don't freak out over what anyone says is wrong. It doesn't matter what it looks like right now. We know what our God can do!"
[caption id="attachment_535" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Alexis - In Trauma Unit"][/caption]
For those of you that don't know, the girls teach and run a dance studio and were on their way to teach when the accident took place. So it was pretty surreal seeing them both in neck braces and hearing Erica telling me she couldn't move her back.
But louder than what I saw with my physical eyes I was hearing the words to a song we sing frequently at church:
" Our God is Greater, Our God is Stronger,
God you are higher than any other! Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God!"
They ended up life-flighting Alexis due to a collapsed lung and I rode in the ambulance with Erica to the trauma center downtown.
One of the Doctors in the trauma unit commented to Ron as we were asking questions, "You guys sure are calm to have 2 children in the trauma unit!"
We knew there were some issues with Erica's back and some intestinal issues and when she arrived at the trauma unit they immediately took her to surgery to explore more deeply to see the extent of the injuries to her intestines.
While she was gone they inserted a tube in Alexis' lung and stitched up the hole in her leg.
It was a long 5 hours later when the Doctor came and explained that they had to attach the colon back together on both sides of Erica's intestines.
Erica was in ICU a few days and then was moved into a room with her sister which was a step down.
Erica had a few rough days while waiting for her bowels to wake up from having the surgery, but once they did she started doing much better.
Eight days after the accident Erica was discharged wearing a body brace for her spine while it was decided that Alexis had to have surgery due to her lung repeatedly deflating.
Alexis spent the next few days in Thoratic ICU before getting to come home.
We are home now and are very aware that we are still in the beginning process of healing and recovery.
We have been so encouraged and strengthened by the love and support shown us by our friends and family from literally all over the world.
I will forever be grateful for all the texts and messages of prayers as well as other practical support given to us at this time.
The following picture was taken on a whim a few years ago when we were taking Christmas pictures. My husband Ron suggested the kids lay under the tree.
I was reminded of this picture at this time because here we are the week of Christmas, no material presents under the tree, but the most priceless gifts I've ever been given are laying under that tree in the picture.
This is my story this Christmas...
I don't know what your story line is telling you right now.
I just hope you will look past the pain of the circumstance you might be facing this Christmas Season and see the fulfillment of what He has promised.
He is FAITHFUL and He is HERE with us!
Merry Christmas!