To Bless...
to bestow good of any kind upon.
the act or words of a person.
A Blessing is such a powerful act!
The one thing it takes to bless is action.
We can bless each other in many ways, but probably the biggest way to bless someone is with our words.
Words are powerful and a creative force. In Proverbs 18 it tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue.
When we speak words of kindness to others and about others we are speaking life to them and ourselves.
When we speak unkind to others and about others we are speaking death to them and to ourselves.
Sounds serious...
it is!
Let's be intentional with the words we are speaking.
Let's use them to speak life into our world.
You can change the atmosphere in your home in an instant with your words.
You can change the heart of your spouse with your words.
You can speak to the purposes of God in your child's life with your words.
It's so easy in our hurried days to let whatever our flesh is "feeling" to come out of our mouths.
And not only are you hurting the people hearing your words, but they are bouncing right off them and coming right back into your life!
You are powerful and the power is right there on your tongue!
Use it to Bless someone today!
I had just finished writing this blog about our words and blessing. I was struggling because I knew there were some things stirring in my heart, but honestly I couldn't wrap my brain around them. So instead of pressing into the discomfort I was choosing to place my thoughts elsewhere.
In other words I was avoiding the stirrings in my heart...
the still small voice... God!
I got into a conversation with Ron and I shared some of my thoughts on how I was feeling. He immediately started speaking into my situation. I was starting to feel set up. It was like someone had given him all the answers to my test. He spoke truth into every question I had. His words spoke life and clarity to my fear and questioning. It's like they (words) pulled back the covers I was hiding behind and I said, "okay God, I hear you clearly".
He had no idea that the blog I had just written was on blessing people and speaking life to them.
But within minutes of me typing the last word and walking into another room I experienced a blessing.
Blessed that on someones way out the door this morning they took the time to listen...
and to speak...
to bless!