Susan Beth

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Don't Waste Your Season!

Hope you are doing well...
staying in and staying healthy!!

Can I remind you that this season is going to pass...
so don't waste it.

There are lots of unknowns for each of us in this moment...
the main unknown being how long is this going to last?

No one has the exact answers to any of the questions we each individually have at this time. Which honestly can make everything seem a little up in the air. For those with control issues (wink wink ;) this can bring up ALL of the feelings.

All this loss of security and structure is unsettling for our souls and what starts off as anxiety eventually turns to anger.

One of the beautiful things about getting older is I've become
a lot quicker in surrendering to the seasons. 

I finally realized I can fight all I want but seasons come and seasons go...

And the One who created each of the seasons in nature is the same one who holds me in the palm of his hand in every season of life.

So why would I waste a day? 

There is a gift in each season but we must be willing to see it.

These days can feel hard. But I am seeing beauty and goodness flow out all around me.

Don't miss the beauty around you and within you friend and don't waste all that this season has for YOU!