Susan Beth

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Faith....can't please God without it!

 I have a question...

what areas of your life are you living in faith?

I think sometimes we are not living out the plan God has for our life because we are waiting for the plan to look perfect and every detail be in place.

I've seen this is my own life where I have questioned a certain area because of my feeling of inadequacies.  Somehow I think if I have God's stamp of approval in an area of my life then I would feel no anxiety.  I wrongly believe that I should have total confidence if it's really His will for my life.

Then He reminds me AGAIN... that He does desire for me to be a bold, confident, fearless woman, but

in His strength...not mine..BIG difference!

I'm pretty sure God has some areas He's calling you to step out and trust Him, but because you can't wrap your brain around how it will all play out you are unwilling to take that next step of faith.

Are we living by faith in our relationships, in our marriage, with our children, at our workplace, in our churches, and the list goes on and on...

Hebrews 11:6 says, that without faith it is impossible to please Him,for he who comes to God must believe that He is , and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

This verse always challenges me to stop and ask these questions...

what are the areas of my life that I am comfortable in because I am confident in my own abilities? 


what are the areas I'm not stepping into because I'm choosing not to use my faith? 

If God is asking me to do something will I believe He will give me the strength and wisdom I need?


would love to hear from you :)