Susan Beth

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FALLing in Love with...THE CHURCH!

I usually wait till Monday to blog about the sermon series, but the message today has me so pumped I decided to go ahead and start typing.

Today was the conclusion to our FALLing In Love series at Amplify Church.

  I have LOVED each message in this series and have been challenged to step it up in each of the areas that have been covered and today's message was no exception!

Today Ron showed us in scripture the history of the Church and examples of what it looks like to love the church.

He shared examples of  those that said yes to Jesus when He said "Follow Me."  People who chose to leave a "life" they were comfortable living to embrace a life of boldness and faith in the face of uncertainty.

I think somehow in our 21st century mind we think it means something different for us when we say yes to following Christ...

it means

when I want to...

or when it's convenient to my plan...

or when it doesn't require too much from me.

We all love to read about the miracles that the early church experienced and

somehow we think they were special people.

They WERE special because they said YES to the cause of Christ!

"YES"  to  FOLLOWING Him !

When He said to them, "I give you all power and authority in my name..."

they believed Him

and commanded sick people to rise up and brought salvation to entire households and cities.

He's calling you to be part of that... His church.

If you are a follower of Christ you are the Church,

the Church He gave His life for...

the Church He's coming back for!