It's A Good Weepy

Been kind of weepy all morning .

Before you think something’s wrong...
It’s a good weepy.

I’ve found through the years it’s one of the ways God speaks to me. It used to confuse me, but now I quickly recognize him drawing me in close, whispering sacred things in my soul + spirit.

If you’ve been following along or wondering why I’ve been posting more I challenged myself and anyone else that wants to jump in to reflect and share who she is in the month of September.

This whole SHE IS thing started years ago in me and to be honest most days I’d just rather journal about it and share it with my close community of peeps for fear of coming across self centered. But I’ve felt convicted that I’m really thinking of myself more by staying quiet. I’ve held back most of my life not wanting to come across like I think I’m ‘all that’ when really more than anything I want to be ‘all that’ he made me to be.

I am a woman speaking from my experiences so I’m using “SHE IS” but I speak the same message to my 3 sons as I do to my 2 daughters.
You were created on purpose with a purpose!

The thread has been clear from my childhood of what naturally flows out of me. The struggle came when that flow needed to be contained in the boxes around me.

Mama’s & Daddy’s don’t be scared or frustrated when your child doesn’t respond like you do. Or questions EVERYTHING!! 😂
I followed my Mom around the house questioning her about anything & everything. I know my questions and challenging things could have given her steadfast and regimented personality cause to worry.
My questioning didn’t come from a negative place, it’s just how I process and see the world. Just because it’s always been done that way doesn’t sell me on anything😬😂 I guess what I’m trying to say is quit trying to get people to understand who you are and just be who you are!

You might think I’m weird because I get weepy and say I feel God drawing me close and speaking to me and the next minute I’m doing something so not serious (ex above pic😬) I’m choosing to be okay with that and encouraging you to be okay with how he made you.

Feel free to share your thoughts...
I would love to hear!! #sheisseptember


Created To Create


SHE IS not defined by her circumstances