Like arrows in the hand of a warrior...

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,

The fruit of the womb is a reward.

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,

So are the children of one's youth.

Psalm 127:3,4

Around 19 years ago during a season of desiring to have another child and for whatever reason that not happening for us, a close friend felt impressed to share Psalm 127 with Ron and I.

Within a few months we were expecting our first son and the words of Psalm 127 has hung on a wall in our house along with all 5 of our children's baby pictures.

A few months ago I bought 5 arrows representing each of our children. I wrote out the verse again in my own handwriting and set it beside the arrows as a reminder to me,

as a reminder to my children,

and to the enemy that would love for me to forget the promise

that my 5 children are arrows in my hand...

arrows I have been entrusted with...

arrows that will go out further than Ron and I will ever go.

Today has me thinking about arrows...

We just celebrated Mother's Day this past weekend and today our family is traveling to spend the next few days celebrating the life of my mother in law who left this world a few days ago.

Ron and I both grew up in a household of 5 siblings, just as our children have. These next few days we will gather with our family and all 5 of his siblings and their families.

We will honor a woman who skillfully and deliberately aimed the arrows in her hand.

Arrows that have gone out in different directions,

each fulfilling their intended purpose.

Each being multiplied by the next generation of arrows.

Momma's, never doubt the importance of your role.

No matter how inadequate you might feel at times for the task,

you were hand picked.

So boldly stand in your position,

skillfully aim your arrow,

and release it to go forth in the purpose for which is was intended.

"Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,

so are the children of one's youth..."

We honor you Jacqueline Marie Morris,

the ultimate warrior princess.


#journal #june


Say Yes!