Sometimes our plans don't work so His can...
Have you ever been disappointed when things didn't turn out like you had planned,
hoped and prayed for ?
I know I have and it's painful in many ways.
My flesh starts to question things...
and then my mind starts recalling all the stories in the Bible where the thing people were hoping for didn't happen the way they wanted them to
because God had a different result in mind.
Like Lazarus ...
his sisters (friends of Jesus) were pretty ticked off when Jesus delayed
getting to Him when he had died.
They were angry and confused and only on the other side of their miracle could they see
the greatness of the delay.
I think of Joseph.
What an incredible dream and destiny God placed
in the heart of this young boy.
Only to be ridiculed, abused,
passed over, time and time again and yet ended up right
where God had planned for him.
I could go on and on...
so many accounts of lives that give us hope
that we are not alone in our story,
in our questioning...
in our delays.
I don't know what dream or desire you feel
God has forgotten about...
or what plan you have watched crumble all around you.
But I do know even when it doesn't look or feel like it
He hasn't forgotten!
I'm learning that...
sometimes our plans don't work
so His can.