The next step...take it.

A little disclaimer here on Day 3...

I have not pre-planned the whole month of November with NO FEAR challenges to post daily.   When I had the idea about this last month I had a few thoughts on direction, but as I've shared with several of you, I'm in this with you.  So I'm trusting God is up to something and I'm grateful for anyone that wants to join in on the adventure.

With that said, some posts might be really simple and some a little stronger.

Hopefully, you are giving some thought about areas in your life where you see fear's influence. It crossed my mind as I sat down to write this,  there might be some of  you that even though you have stuck your toe in the water on this No Fear November thing, mentally you are stuck. You started the challenge, read the post yesterday, and started to look at your life and mentally it ended there.

Fear does that.

It paralyzes us.

Trust me I get it. It's scary hard to press through fear to get to faith.  I just want to encourage you to take the next step.  I can remember a few years ago not wanting to take the next step.  The process of pushing through the pain and fear felt overwhelming.

I remember one day sitting on my bed (after days of laying in my bed) and telling God through my tears that I was mad and I didn't trust Him. How could I after feeling like he had nonchalantly stood by as buildings and friendships that I thought he had brought into my life disappeared...

I did go on to tell him that even though I didn't understand and I didn't see ANY good at the moment, I was choosing to trust him. Even though it felt too painful to hope, I declared my trust, that one day I would see his hand at work.

I can remember that bedside conversation with God like it was yesterday.  For one reason I had never allowed myself to not be okay with God. But he showed me he's okay with me not being okay with him.

I also remember it because it felt like a huge, painful first step.

And now a few years down the road...I see his hand.

I still don't have all the answers and I'm okay with that, because he is God and I'm not...

and I trust him like never before.

So whatever the next step is for you (and I believe you know what that is),

don't let fear hold you back...

take it!



The world needs YOU!


What is fear anyway?