This week at Amplify I shared how God has been stirring my heart about trust.
So many people staring at desperate situations saying they are trusting God. There is a difference in saying, "we trust God" and trusting God.
Let me explain... I can say with my mouth "My trust is in God,"
but when my actions and my words don't line up with that declaration, I am deceiving myself.
Here's another thought... Do I only trust God when I get the results I want to see? Trusting God means though you pray for something and you don't see it come to pass, you STILL choose to trust God and believe that He has you in the palm of His hand. I'm not saying that everything that happens to us is the will of God. He has given us all free will. I do believe that even when we have failed or those around have failed us that if our hope and trust is in Him, He has promised to work all things together for our good. (Romans 8:28)
Hope is a very important ingredient when we are talking about trust. I think at times we struggle in trusting because our hopes are crushed. My heart is heavy even as I type these words. So many struggling...
Some raising children by yourself with everyday being a struggle to have hope that things will be different one day.
Some of you under a blanket of debt, with no hope of ever seeing the burden lifted.
Some of you have lost the love of your life to disease. You try to imagine what the future holds from this point... hoping the pain eases and the sun shines bright again.
Some of you are in the waiting process of finding love. Having to continually place your desires in the hands of God and choosing to trust Him and wait patiently for His timing and plans.
Some of you working jobs that bring you no joy, yet you see no way out.
Wherever you are today... I pray that your hope is renewed. That hope would be strengthened in your life and you would make the decision to trust God no matter what you are looking at!
That with eyes of faith you can look past your situation and see the plans and purposes fulfilled in your life. Make no mistake, He has a plan and a purpose for you right now...
right in the middle of the situation where you are struggling to have hope.
He is there.
He is holding you.
He is whispering in your ear, "Trust Me."
Will you?