Uniquely + Intentionally Designed

Can I remind you, on this Sunday night, that YOU were uniquely and intentionally designed by the creator of the universe AND you are here at this moment in time to bring forth something that only you can bring?

Maybe you have forgotten who you are. Life has a way of doing that...
Somewhere along the way we start being known by our titles and roles ...
daughter, sister, wife, mother, student, teacher, I could go on and on.

Yet, all of who we are can’t be found in those alone.

You are all of those things and more!

You are that little girl that lived life to the fullest till someone or something made you feel that wasn’t okay.

I want to remind you that it is okay.

You’re okay!

People or circumstances might have made you feel otherwise, but you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Maybe pull out some pictures of you as a child and look at yourself. What brought you joy or made you cry?

Your way of being and moving through the world doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else. So stop waiting for permission to be who you were designed and created to be.

All of heaven is cheering you on!

And so am I!❤️🙌🏻❤️ For the next 30 days I want you to ask God to remind you who you are. (Trust me. He'll do it!)
❤️Think about it,
❤️journal about it,
❤️and shout it out!

so we can cheer each other on!
#sheisseptember #sundays


She Is A Feeler


falling down...it's all part of the process