What are you believing?
I think all of us have a vision of what we would like our "perfect" life to look like.
We all desire to live a life of significance and make a difference in our world. For those that are married and have children we desire to have a vibrant and thriving relationship with our spouse and raise children that love God and desire to use their life to glorify Him.
But do you realize there is a difference in desiring something and believing for something?
To desire something means "to wish or long for."
To believe for something means "to accept as true."
So in other words, I can desire something all day long and not move any closer
to it being a reality in my life.
But by turning that desire into believing, I can change my world.
Here are some practical things that help me in this process:
1) Take an honest look at your life! Sometimes we are frustrated with results we have when we are the ones that make choices everyday that are creating the life we are living. This step can be painful. We often want to blame someone else or circumstances to excuse us from taking responsibility ourselves.
2) Write out what you are believing for! In Habakkuk 2:2 we are told to write the vision and make it plain. You need to be specific! You need to "get it" and be able to verbalize it and declare it. It's got to be clear in your heart and mind.
3) Faith gets stronger by hearing the word (Romans 10:17) Get your ammunition! Find the scriptures for what you are believing for and put them in your heart. Pray them and speak them out of your mouth. Gods want to hear them! You want the devil to hear them and your ears need to hear them!
I love the story in the gospel of Matthew where the Roman captain comes to Jesus asking to heal his servant that was sick. He told Jesus he didn't have to go to his servant, but if He would just speak the word (give the order) his servant would be healed. Jesus commended him on his faith and then said this powerful truth, "what you believed could happen, has happened!"
So I ask again...What are you believing for?