
A little over 15 years ago I was in a spiritually intense season.

Even though I had been a Christian since childhood and was involved in full-time ministry at the time, it was such a time of growth for me.

I can remember reading the Bible constantly and it was as if I was reading it for the first time.

The words were so alive and powerful.

My faith was so stirred as I read the stories in the Bible.

My desire was stronger than ever to follow Christ and His purpose for my life.

I was on my bed one morning reading my Bible and journaling.  The TV was on in the background and I looked up at one point as a Bible teacher was talking about the heart and the hand.  I don't even know what the teaching was about really because that's all I heard and suddenly I felt a desire to kneel down beside my bed and pray.  I started praying and was immediately overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord.  I began sobbing.

To be really honest, I remember thinking in my mind "why am I sobbing?"  But I do believe in the power of the Holy Spirit.  One of benefits of the Holy Spirit is that He prays through us at times to the Father those things we don't know the specifics of what to pray or how to put into words (Romans 8:26-28).  So even though I didn't totally understand my emotions at the time, I knew enough to trust in the work of the Holy Spirit.

I had been praying for a few minutes when I heard my door crack open.   I glanced up to see my daughter Alexis, who was around 4 at the time, peeking in the door.  I felt like the Lord spoke in my spirit, "she has something for you."  I asked her what she needed and as she walked toward me she said, "I drew this for you."

As I took the paper from her hand she said "I drew you a heart in a hand."

Immediately I heard the Lord speak to my spirit, "What's in your heart you will do with your hands."

I was overwhelmed again, and even though I didn't know the details of what that meant exactly,  I said 'Yes' once again that day to God's plan for my life.

It was a powerful moment in my life.  One I will never forget.

I have thought about that picture and day many times through the years and have seen the reality of that in the different seasons of my life.

I have that picture framed and it is such a treasure to me.

Ever since that day I notice the word heart and hand.

It's a reminder to me that God put desires in my heart.  He's the one who created me.

He wants me to put my hand to the things He has put in my heart.

He created me to live wholeheartedly and impact my world.

I want to remind you today...

He created YOU!

He put the desires in YOUR heart!

This Valentine Season let's not just tell those we love how special they are to us (although we need to do that, and not just on Valentines Day).  This year when we see the hearts everywhere, let it be a reminder to us that God wants to give us the desires in our heart. (Psalm 37:4)

We are usually not waiting on Him...

He's waiting on us to live Wholeheartedly the life He created us to live!


Thrive- Wholehearted
