Welcome Spring | SPRING | Week 2
Welcome to the She Is Awakening Seasonal Journal podcast. I'm Susan Beth, creator of the she's awakening seasonal journal, a practice that walks through each season creating space for connection with our creator as well as ourselves. You are listening to week two in the spring seasonal journal.
Unless we are intentional in how we desire to live each day. We can tend to live life on autopilot and be pulled toward the loudest voice or distraction of the moment. God can speak to us in so many different ways.
Creating space to get still helps us connect with our creator, which is our ultimate source of life. For many, journaling is one of the most life-giving practices. It helps us to get still and know God. The practice of writing slows us down and allows us to breathe allowing Holy Spirit to lead, comfort and instruct us.
Matthew 11, verses 28 through 30 from the message read:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out a religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me. Watch how I do. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill sitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly. “
Welcome spring.
In the tapestry of life, the season of Spring unveils enchanting imagery- a canvas of flourishing gardens and a symphony of pleasant weather. It invites us to embrace the pulsating energy of new life and boundless growth that is bursting up all around us.
A mystical whisper sweeps through the air, guiding us to embark on a profound journey within. To fully embrace the forthcoming blossoms, we must first engage in a sacred act of cleansing. It is a call to sift through and clear away the dusty remnants and echoes of the past. In this dance of renewal, old ways of being and weeds that have grown up around us must be tenderly removed, creating space for the impending flourishing of transformation.
As we navigate this sacred choreography, let us approach it not as a mere physical endeavor, but as a spiritual journey. In the stillness of contemplation, let us release the burdens of yesterday, allowing the gentle breeze of Spring to carry them away. Only then can we stand in alignment with the vitality that Spring offers us—a radiant tapestry of growth, hope, and the eternal promise of a new beginning.
Here are some prompts for you to pray and to process through this week:
What are the thoughts and images that come up when you think about Spring?
What are areas in your life that need some Spring cleaning?
What needs to be purged moving into this new season that is distracting and taking up space for the new?
I don't know if like me you have had the urge these past few weeks to clear out some clutter. You know, dust away the cobwebs of winter and dive into some deep cleaning.
Or maybe you are a deep cleaner all of the time. Me not so much. I mean, I like things to be clean, so I do what I have to do, but I can live with some stacks stacking up around.
But there is something magical about this time of year when the weather starts to be more consistently warm, depending on where you live… that has us wanting to organize and to clean and to purge and prepare for something.
It's the same way in our spiritual lives. Spring seasons invite us to prepare for flourishing in growth in our lives by cleaning up and clearing out the dusty and dead things in our lives. Old ways and weeds must be removed to make way for the new.
If you would like to have a physical spring journal to work through this season, you can find ordering information in the show notes and my hope and prayer as we walk through this season of spring is that we will intentionally look for the ways that God is at work in our life.
The God that designed and formed you knows you better than you know yourself. Your creator planted the seeds of his image uniquely in you.
He desires to Co-labor with you in revealing the beauty of his goodness and mercy in the world he desires to walk with you through every season and is faithful to complete. What he started in you keep looking to him, friend.
Have a wonderful week.