S7 E1: The Beauty of Letting Things Fall Away
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S7 E1: The Beauty of Letting Things Fall Away
Happy first day of Fall ya’!! :)) and welcome to Season 7 of the SHE IS PODCAST.
It’s good to be back. I enjoyed the end of Summer break from the podcast but I’ve missed showing up here and I’m excited about all that this next season holds! I had mentioned working on the SHE IS Awakening study journal during the break and it is taking form. I can’t wait till it’s ready to be in your hands in the next few months so we can start out the New Year applying and walking out the truths that are in this study journal.
I’ve taken the time during this break to evaluate the things I’ve chosen to put my hand to... Maybe it’s age, hoping it's wisdom ;), but I have no desire to waste precious time and energy on things that are no longer for me.
It’s so easy to continue in something because it’s familiar and we’ve all heard the saying if it ain't broke, don’t fix it…but we might want to evaluate living by that old saying that in every context isn’t the best option
Here’s the thing… we only have so much capacity and if we never shift and change we leave no room for the next. Now I’m not saying burn it all to the ground haha
I’m just saying life is seasons. And as we are reminded in this fall season we are entering here in the US … there is beauty to be found in the falling away of things that have run their course.
And we will miss the beauty of what’s ahead when we continue to have our eyes and heart fixed on what’s behind us.
So put the summer sandals away and break out those boots haha!!!!
I’m laughing but trust me the changing of seasons isn’t always easy and can bring up a lot of feelings. It’s much easier to talk about looking closely at all that your life holds and praying over those opportunities and choices than the process of actually doing it.
I know there have been many times in my life where choices and decisions have been very clear cut and I don’t have any problem with the change. And then there have many times where I feel something in my gut, but struggle with the letting go because I don’t want the change or the ending of that particular season.
One thing I’ve had to learn (more than once) is that the hanging on only complicates things and usually by the time it’s actually ended it’s more of a being ripped from my hand than from a place of surrender.
In our humanity, we can’t see the whole picture. I do believe God gives us glimpses of things, but as scripture tells us, that is through a dark glass most of the time. We only see in part. And we tell ourselves this thing is good so why should I let it go??
And in time we will see it because there is a bigger plan. A plan that is good and is for us when we choose to continue to surrender and walk in it.
What are you trying to hang on to that is needing to naturally fall away in this season?
In our humanness, we tend to focus on what we can see and make sense of. Instead of putting our faith and hope in the God whose idea our life was in the first place.
It’s so interesting how our understanding is so intertwined by what we can see. And it’s only when those views change that we can see what was good and true all along.
We can trust him with our seasons!...all of them.
You might be heading into this Autumn season full of joy and anticipation or you might find yourself still trying to catch your breath from a season that has felt like it sucked all the life out of you.
No matter where you find yourself in those scenarios. I want to remind you today that life is seasons. God is one that set seasons in motion and you and I are held in his hand and can trust him within any season we might find ourselves in.
So many times we can act just like Eve did, looking to someone or something else to give us the desires of our hearts. Instead of going to the giver of life for all that we need and are always freely given what we need. Oh, how he loves us.
When I think of the season of Autumn, I think of specific rich colors and textures. Slower days and meaningful moments that we choose to make.
I think of words like cozy and warm, and home.
That’s the welcome prayer I want to offer up today.
I pray that you feel wrapped in the peace and presence of God this season. And if your heart is weary I pray you feel held and filled with hope and you feel comforted as you find and make your home in him.
Father, help us to loosen our grip on our plans and our ways and allow whatever needs to fall away in this season, fall away. We choose to trust that your ways are higher than ours and are more fulfilling and eternal than anything we could even dream to dream.