S5 E14: Qualified To Be Queen! Rising Up In Your Purpose
Hi friends! I don’t know when you will be listening to this episode but today is April 14th, or 4.14. That probably doesn’t mean anything to you but it’s pretty significant to me.
Besides it being the birthday of my first child these numbers of 4.14 have gotten my attention this last decade of my life.
Let me right off say I’ve never been nor am I now into numerology. What I am into is God and his word and we see very clearly in scripture that numbers can be seen in themes in the Bible.
For instance…
There were 12 tribes of Israel in the old testament…
There were 12 disciples of Jesus.
There were 70 nations named in genesis 10 at the tower of Babel…
There were 70 disciples of Jesus that were sent out to minister in the NT.
I also believe God can speak to each of us however he chooses to. And he speaks to us individually so the way he moves and speaks in my life might not be the way he speaks to you and that’s ok. As long as it doesn’t go against scripture and God’s character …
Several years ago I started seeing 4:14 and at first it was here and there and then it was literally all day, everyday. As I mentioned, that is the birthday of my oldest daughter and I mentioned it to her and we would share with each other that we kept seeing it.
For those that are listening that don’t know me well...I’m not one to be hyper spiritual about things. (I realize that can be someone's perspective haha and that some of you might think of me in that way) but I’ve been around people that are always having dreams and visions and seeing signs in every single thing and that’s not me.
And I know the whole thing about once something is in your mind you start seeing it (ex of car) but whatever the reason I was seeing 4:14.
I looked up things trying to connect something and never found anything that spoke to me that there was a connection...until probably a year into seeing it...I saw the scripture in Esther 4:14 that says…
Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”
And when I saw that scripture I felt it in my spirit.
As parents my husband and I have always spoken destiny and purpose over the lives of our 5 children but as i mentioned earlier i felt like maybe this had to do with my oldest daughter. She was at this time a young adult and was in the first years of starting a business and using her gifts and talents to impact young girls and their families.
And for a long time, every time I would see those numbers which was often i would pray and declare favor over the plans and purposes of my daughter.
Until one day as I started to do what I had done so many times before I felt the lord so strongly speak to my spirit. Why do you think this is all about erica?
I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced this but for me sometimes it’s like when you sense God speaking something to you ...you start to ask a question or get some clarity but deep down inside you know exactly what he’s saying.
I knew in that moment God was saying TO ME…. Susan, daughter of mine... you are here in this moment, for such a time as this.
I definitely felt like he was calling me out...he knew it was easier for me to speak those things over my children and those around me than speak it over myself.
I’m guessing most of you listening can relate to that.
It’s often, at times, easier to believe for someone else than it is ourselves.
That day was a turning point for me. I’d never had a problem believing God loved me and had uniquely designed me to bring him glory. But what changed was he was calling me to step into what I could so clearly see for others.
That the things he created and designed me to bring forth into the world matter. In this moment... at this time. That my obedience affects other people. Just like Esther’s obedience affected the live of many.
That me not stepping fully into who he made me to be is selfish.
I know I’m not the only one who struggles with fully showing up out of fear of judgement. Fear of someone thinking, who does she think she is? Or that there is someone better for the job
Do you realize when we allow those fears to stop us from being all that God created us for is really disobedience. It's me putting more focus and trust in myself than the God that created and purposed me.
The story of Esther is about her becoming a queen.
But she had to step into that role by surrendering her insecurities and fears and choosing to stand in the plans and the purpose that God had for her.
Esther was an orphan and had every reason to believe that God had better choices than her to carry out his purpose.
The lies the enemy whispers in each of our ears is nothing new…
There is NO ONE BETTER THAN YOU to do what he has designed and purposed you to do!
I’m going to say it again….
You are here, right now, in this moment of time to bring forth something into the world that will manifest the kingdom of God in the earth.
Your obedience will not only change your life, but your families’, and your community.
So I want to ask you a question? What desires or opportunities do you have that you are not stepping into out of fear?
Which leads to another question…
Are you putting more faith in yourself and your abilities or in the one who designed you?
We like to think we are in control but the power is really in the surrender.
A complete surrender to all that God has for us.
A surrender that our plans that don’t work out are redirection in our lives
A surrender and unwavering trust that his ways are not our ways and we can trust him.
I’m sure like Esther, many of us could question if we’ve been disqualified from God’s plan because of our background or because of failures
But the older I’ve gotten the more I realize that for such a time moments come out of every experience we have walked through…
The good, the bad, the beautiful days as well as the brutal.
It’s in each of those moments that we experience God in a different way.
Which is why sometimes even the hardest seasons can somehow feel like a gift in ways. Even though it’s something we’d never choose to walk through, God miraculously takes it and works it all together for our good.
(If we will allow him too!!) and the relationship with him goes deeper than we ever imagined it could.
And can I remind you if you are struggling with feeling disqualified in living out the purposes of God for your life….God, not man is the one who qualifies us!
We don’t know if Esther was the best in all of the areas that were required to be queen. But she would have never even had the opportunity to be chosen if she hadn’t had the courage to show up and speak up.
I think so often we have desires for certain things but we aren’t putting ourselves in any environment to see those desires come to life and grow.
I’ve talked about this before but I really believe the biggest frustration and tension we feel in life is when we are in resistance to our purpose.
I think it’s because every cell in your body knows what it was designed for and it thrives when it’s functioning!
Where have you stopped functioning in your life?
Sometimes we get stuck in our lives because we stop doing things that bring us life.
And my belief is that when we put our hand to the things we were created for (even if they’re not always enjoyable) they bring us life!
My hope and prayer is that you surrender and step into all that God has prepared for you. You are needed in this world and you my friend are here for such a time as this!
And if you’re like me and love words and keeping things in front of your eyes. I’ve designed a graphic tee for this moment.
I’d love for you to check it out and you can do that at susanbeth.com/shop and I’ll also have the link in the show notes.!
Love you guys! Talk soon!