S7 E26: Hey June!

You guys!! It’s June and in a few short weeks it will officially be Summer 

and you know what that means?!

 The She is Awakening Summer Journal will be here!  I will be sending out the information to order in the next week so if you don't receive emails from me and want to make sure you get that info then either email me susan@susanbeth.com or dm on IG susanbethmorris

I talk a lot about rhythms here on the podcast and in life, we have these rhythms between work and rest. I was thinking the other day when I was writing for the summer journal about how seasons are like rhythms….

Seasons are a beautiful, miraculous dance between work + rest.

We are quickly walking out of the season of Spring where we have been pressing into growth and stretching and blooming and bearing fruit in our lives and as beautiful as it has been and is…I’m ready for a Summer Sabbath…a few months of living freely + lightly

Does that sound good to anyone else?!

And I know I know …all of you aren’t students or teachers and don’t have the next few months off of jobs and responsibilities!! Even if do have time off we all have responsibilities that we can’t ignore.

So I’m not talking about being a beach bum for the next few months but I am inviting us all to enter into a Summer state of mind for 13 weeks this Summer!

 A summer sabbath to rest and recharge body soul and spirit.

I don’t know about you but I’m ready! Ready to enter into a posture of rest… REST with a purpose. We are going to be talking more about that in the next episode but I wanted to do a quick episode today and remind you that we weren’t designed to live on the go 24/7.

God so masterfully and so lovingly made Sabbath for us…a time to stop and get still and remember and know that he is God and we are not.

So I am looking forward to walking through Summer together as we allow the Summer sun to kiss our faces and the wind of God to blow afresh on our spirits.


S7 E27: Rest + Recovery


S7 E25: Mystery + Miracles