S8 E33: When It All Falls Away

Happy 1st Sunday of 2024 friend!  I hope you have been easing back into whatever normal life looks like for you this past week. And if you're still “easing” that’s perfectly fine too.


The weekly focus from the Winter Journal that we are going looking at this week is called “when it all falls away”


This focus isn’t completely new to this season as allowing things to fall away in our lives was a foundational focus as we walked through the season of Autumn. 


But the twist is a little different as we process the reality of what this means as we walk through a Winter season.


The falling away of things in our life can look different for each of us. For some, the falling away has been relational. For some, it has been vocations that involved where you lived life.  Each of us has walked and maybe even currently walking through change and loss.


As much as we would love to avoid this process it is part of living in this world. 


The natural falling away process in an Autumn season of our lives can leave us feeling vulnerable and uncovered as we enter a Winter season.

And that vulnerability may cause us to feel hidden in plain sight. Meaning we have experienced change. Some of that change is obvious the majority not so much. So we can stand in a crowded room full of people who assume to know us well and not truly be seen.


And in a Winter season that is ok and to be expected. Winters are a sacred time to go deep into healing. An invitation to being securely seen. Held and healed.


I love these words found in Psalm 34:18 “If your heart is broken you’ll find God right there; if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.”


There are moments when everything around you has fallen away. And the sting of winter is cold. That words and opinions of those around you as well intentioned as they might be cannot heal your heart.


Those around us can be a help and blessing but they can’t ultimately help us catch our breath because they aren’t the one that is the originator of our breath.


That’s the hidden beauty of a winter season…the life-giving breath breathed into us by God as we allow him to cover and shield us from the brutality of the season.


I would love to remind you today that you aren’t defined by a Winter season. We are refined.


When we are kicked in the gut or everything has fallen away it isn’t the end….it’s the beginning of another layer in our lives.

Have a beautiful week friend.



S8 E34: Presence, Power, Purpose


S8 E32: Longing + Lingering | A New Rhythm + Perspective Starting A New Year