S8 E47: Covered | SHE IS Awakening Seasonal Journal | WINTER - Week 10

Happy new week, friend. The start of this week has us finishing out the last week of February and moving into the month of March. I don't know about you, but I feel like the month of February flew by and that it was just a couple of weeks ago that I was talking about us closing out the first month of the year.

And I feel like we are starting the descent of winter or with the seasonal journal this week, which means it's time to start thinking about your spring journal, which will be available the first week of March to order. So be on the lookout for links to grab yours. And I've made some tweaks that I think you're gonna love in this second edition.

This week's focus is called Covered, and it has us looking at the fact that when we are walking through a winter season or storm, we need to be covered. And here's the beautiful good news. The covering that each of us needs has already been paid for and provided for us.

We only need to, in faith, put it on and stand in it and under it covered fully by everything that has already been provided for each of us.

Now I don't know if any of you listening are like me and have a little issue with control. Here's the thing with control… it can be tricky sometimes for us to realize that that's the core issue that we're dealing with.

I realized recently when I was praying for a particular situation, that I kept going back to God with the prayer.

You know, I just kept feeling this need to circle back around to God. Not that we don't need to be fervent in our prayers, but I realized the reason that I kept circling back around was I felt like I needed to remind God

of the prayers that I was praying and believing for.

Because in some way, I felt responsible. Like I had this responsibility to carry the weight of. And just to keep struggling with it and bringing it before God.

Meaning I felt responsible to keep asking God, like if I quit asking and bringing these prayers before God, that he was going to forget what I was praying about.

Just speaking that out loud just sounds so crazy to me because I know that's not how it works. But our flesh is always going to try and protect us from things that we sense as dangerous to us in any way.

The way my flesh was helping me out in this particular situation was to make me feel like I had some kind

of control on the matter, when the real question that I had to answer was, am I trusting myself and what I can do, or am I trusting God to do what only He can do?

Am I really praying anxious prayers to God out of fear, not really trusting that God is, and working on my behalf, no matter the outcome of what I am asking and praying for?

I love this week's focus verse from Psalm chapter 3, verse 3, which says,

But you, God, shield me on all sides.

You ground my feet, and you lift my head high.

I love how it says you ground my feet because that describes how I felt that day after realizing that I was trying to cover myself instead of fully trusting God to cover me.

When I fully surrendered control of any outcomes, I felt grounded and confident that no matter the outcome, come, that God was with me and my shield on every side.

Here are some prompts that I would love to invite you to pray and process through this week.

Do you feel protected and covered in this season?

Are you attempting to cover yourself with relationships or things?

Do you see that confidence comes from what is covering your needs?

Our responsibility is to receive and to put on the protection and the provision that is ours and we can stand in confidence when we are confident in who is covering us.

Love you guys and I'm praying you have a beautiful week completely covered in God.


S8 E48: Welcoming March In Winter


S8 E46: Are You In Need Of A Snow Day?