S8 E51: Reflections | SHE IS Awakening Seasonal Journal | WINTER - Week 12

Happy new week, friend.

This week in the Winter Journal, has us reflecting on the season that we are walking out of this next week. And I'm aware that some of you listening will still be walking out a winter season in your life, even as you welcome the physical season of spring. And this is. The tension that we hold in this earthly realm, pain, and heartbreak.

 In the midst of these wonder-filled precious moments of life. For most of us, it takes effort and intention to stay present and not miss the beauty that is to be found in the moment. A moment that might be surrounded by heart. As a fellow sister who has walked through and navigated a few winter seasons. I can remember how the chill in the air and the dark days of winter can feel endless.

And we long to see light in our circumstances. Lighting up our path and the light, it seems like it's hiding sometimes and the answers. That we so desperately crave. Are nowhere to be found. But I can also testify. To the mystery that a winter season holds for us. But I was surprised by it and wasn't expecting to find. These answers. In the dark. It's as if it takes some time in a winter season for our eyes and our vision to adjust to the life of winter. But once it does, it's as if the whispers of our creator are reflecting answers back to us like the winter sun hitting the pure white snow. Answers and revelations… so pure and breathtaking... so sacred. It's so solid.

I love the focus first that is found in Psalm 40 verses one through 3.  And reads…

I waited. And waited. And waited for God. At last, he looked, finally, he listened and he lifted me out of the ditch, pulls me from deep. He stood me up on a solid rock to make sure that I wouldn't slip. He taught me how to sing the latest God song praise song to our God. More and more people are seeing this. They enter the mystery, abandoning themselves to God.

Here are some prompts for you to journal and think about, and just pray and process this week:

Spend some time reflecting on questions that you have had in this season.

How might God be revealing himself in the questions that you are holding?

How can you be more intentional and experiencing wonder and solitude?

Keep waiting for and listening for his voice. He desires to show himself strong in your life.

I know many of you as we are walking out of this season into the next and how many of you have already ordered your Spring journal and either you've received it or it's making its way to you. And if you haven't? Ordered those. Yet I would love to invite you to.

Check out the order information and the links to both the soft cover and the hardcover edition that you can find in the show notes, and just a reminder, next Tuesday is the first day of spring. I don't know about you, but I am ready for spring. I'm here for it and I hope you are as well.

Praying you have a great week, so don't forget to check out the journal in the show notes, I'm hoping that you will join me in having a wonderful and intentional walk through this Spring.

We'll talk soon.


S8 E52: Change Is In The Air... Let's Talk About It


S8 E50: Getting Ready For Spring