Susan Beth Susan Beth

Mid-Year Reflection

In this episode, Susan Beth reflects on the importance of living life intentionally and trusting in the desires placed within us by the Creator. She discusses the connection between connecting with God and living out our purpose. Susan Beth also shares her thoughts on the significance of birthdays and the mid-year check-in. She provides prompts for self-reflection and encourages listeners to seek growth and wholeness in all areas of their lives.

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Susan Beth Susan Beth

S7 E20: You Can't Rush Growth

As I picked up my journal to begin writing at some point one day it felt as if I could literally feel the breath coming back in my body as the words flooded the page with recognizing my dependence in getting still in God’s presence and allowing his spirit to strengthen all that I am.

My being still …reminding every part of me that he is God…

Over everything.

Every thought racing through my mind…

Pulling my thoughts out of the past and the future 

At the very moment, I am in 

Right here 

Right now

That’s where he is …

And where his peace and presence 

Surrounds and strengthens me.

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Susan Beth Susan Beth

S4 E6: Awakening To The Life You Were Created To Live

This the final episode in the SHE IS Spring Series and we’re talking about Awakening! Are you sensing anything awakening in your life this season? God is doing something new! Are you seeing it? Thanks for listening! Susan

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