Susan Beth Susan Beth

S6 E11: The Main Road + The Detours Are All Your Main Path

And I can’t get away from how much the truths found in this story reveal truth about the human journey we each are on. We all have this deep longing for this life more abundantly, what we were created for…scripture tells us that eternity has been set in the human heart. This longing we have for perfect peace and home and abundant life is there because it’s what we were designed and made for. We get so caught up in the realm that we can see with our physical eyes which is not the whole picture. We are eternal souls that are distracted by the noisiness of our present-day lives.

I think for most of us our focus seems to be such a narrow view of our life and being. It takes effort and intention on our part to focus our heart and mind on what is true over what we are feeling and seeing around us.

This is why it’s called the fight of faith!

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