Are you ready for 7?

I am so excited to hear about all of you that are jumping in on Summer of 7!

You still have time to grab the book and start reading!  Week 1 starts Sunday, July 8th.

I know it's summer and everyone is running in different directions so here's the plan...

1. Buy the book "7" by Jen Hatmaker.

2. Read the book!

3. Commit to Summer of 7 challenge.

4. Share!

  As you have thoughts, questions, prayers, ideas, share them on Summer of 7 page!

5.  Get ready for your world to be changed!

This is going to be an online interactive study.  I am so excited I think it's going to be great!

Please, please, please join in the conversation!  We all need each other!

There will be a section under Summer of 7  for all the different weeks.

As we go through each week things will be posted throughout the day.  You can comment and post as often as you like.  We want to hear your thoughts and what's going on with you and 7!

For those in Jacksonville, I would love a few times to meet up somewhere during the 7 weeks with whoever wants to and we can share and chat about what we are learning!  So be on the lookout for an announcement about when and where during the 7 weeks!

The countdown is on...

Did I tell you I am excited?


Summer of 7 Recap


Are you selfish?