Are you selfish?
1. : concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others
2. : arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others <a selfish act>
My husband Ron is known for saying, "It all goes back to selfishness" whenever dealing with issues. So it's funny when we're discussing something with all the family and one of us will chime in, "I know Dad, it all goes back to selfishness!"
But it really does.
The Bible starts out with examples of Selfishness. From Lucifer's escapades to Adam and Eve in the garden.
I think it's so much a part of our nature that we don't even realize how often we are operating in it.
When I say it's part of out nature I meaning it's a a natural tendency for our flesh.
I have a challenge for all of us.
Let's look closely at our lives and evaluate where we are being selfish.
I think we might be surprised.
It isn't always obvious to others...
even ourselves.
We've been talking a lot at Amplify about living a spirit filled life.
One that is led by the Holy Spirit.
Which would be opposite of living according to our flesh :)
I think we as Christians get a bad rap because we wear the Christian label but aren't active in "the follow".
We made a decision to follow Christ at some point, but are we still following?
Because in case you haven't noticed He is the ultimate in
I'm blown away by His unselfishness on a daily basis.