Susan Beth

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SHE IS a lover of mornings

SHE IS a lover of mornings.

I was never a morning person...
No seriously, I was told it would change when I had kids but nope. I trained all my kids to sleep later.😂 So it’s funny that early mornings are now my favorite. I love to sit in the morning stillness and watch the morning light enter the room and fill the house.

It’s also my favorite time to read. As I glanced over and saw a particular stack of books beside me, I noticed a few books that had been my Grandparents. They actually have their handwriting, where they underlined things and wrote out scriptures.😭❤️ On top of the stack is the first Bible my parents bought me with Susan Beth Smith engraved on the front.

My mind went to the conference we are going to this weekend. The theme this year is Legacy. My life has been surrounded by legacy, and passing that on to my children has been the highest priority + privilege of my life.

So as I read the words of scripture this morning written out by my Grandmother Smith and tucked in the pages of a book, I’m reminded and grateful... “I am the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Is there anything too hard for me?”
#sheisseptember #morninglight
#Braveconf2019 #legacy