Be Still + Know ~ Summer '23
Unless we are intentional in how we desire to live each day, we can tend to live life on auto-pilot and be pulled toward the loudest voice or distraction of the moment. God can speak to us in so many different ways. Creating space to get still helps us connect with our creator which is our ultimate source of life.
Unless we are intentional in how we desire to live each day, we can tend to live life on auto-pilot and be pulled toward the loudest voice or distraction of the moment. God can speak to us in so many different ways. Creating space to get still helps us connect with our creator which is our ultimate source of life.
Unless we are intentional in how we desire to live each day, we can tend to live life on auto-pilot and be pulled toward the loudest voice or distraction of the moment. God can speak to us in so many different ways. Creating space to get still helps us connect with our creator which is our ultimate source of life.