Summer Surrender
Surrender can be a scary word. It pushes up against our innate desire for self-dependence and control.
Yet, as much as we might resist the idea of surrendering, there is something in each of us that longs to surrender to something greater than ourselves. We are created in the image of God and his spirit calls to our spirit reminding us that there is no true freedom apart from full surrender.
Learning to float on top of the water is a great example of surrender. It’s not until we stop trying so hard to hold the weight of our body up and simply relax into being held by the water surrounding us… that we realized we are floating.
Surrender can be a scary word. It pushes up against our innate desire for self-dependence and control.
Yet, as much as we might resist the idea of surrendering, there is something in each of us that longs to surrender to something greater than ourselves. We are created in the image of God and his spirit calls to our spirit reminding us that there is no true freedom apart from full surrender.
Learning to float on top of the water is a great example of surrender. It’s not until we stop trying so hard to hold the weight of our body up and simply relax into being held by the water surrounding us… that we realized we are floating.
Surrender can be a scary word. It pushes up against our innate desire for self-dependence and control.
Yet, as much as we might resist the idea of surrendering, there is something in each of us that longs to surrender to something greater than ourselves. We are created in the image of God and his spirit calls to our spirit reminding us that there is no true freedom apart from full surrender.
Learning to float on top of the water is a great example of surrender. It’s not until we stop trying so hard to hold the weight of our body up and simply relax into being held by the water surrounding us… that we realized we are floating.