She Is Summertime
There is something life-giving about getting our bare feet on the ground.
Dirt, grass, sand… you pick!
There are a lot of miraculous stories in scripture about dirt or mud. One is God our creator reaching down into the dust of the ground forming humanity and breathing in life. (Genesis 2:7)
Another time Jesus picked up mud to restore sight to a blind man. (John 9:6-7)
I don’t know how long it's been since you felt grass or sand on your toes, but if it’s been a while, you’ve got a Summer assignment!
There is something life-giving about getting our bare feet on the ground.
Dirt, grass, sand… you pick!
There are a lot of miraculous stories in scripture about dirt or mud. One is God our creator reaching down into the dust of the ground forming humanity and breathing in life. (Genesis 2:7)
Another time Jesus picked up mud to restore sight to a blind man. (John 9:6-7)
I don’t know how long it's been since you felt grass or sand on your toes, but if it’s been a while, you’ve got a Summer assignment!
There is something life-giving about getting our bare feet on the ground.
Dirt, grass, sand… you pick!
There are a lot of miraculous stories in scripture about dirt or mud. One is God our creator reaching down into the dust of the ground forming humanity and breathing in life. (Genesis 2:7)
Another time Jesus picked up mud to restore sight to a blind man. (John 9:6-7)
I don’t know how long it's been since you felt grass or sand on your toes, but if it’s been a while, you’ve got a Summer assignment!