S8 E37: Solitude | The SHE IS Awakening Seasonal Journal | WINTER - Week 5

This week’s focus from the Winter Journal is SOLITUDE.

Solitude can be an intimidating even scary word for some of us.  I will admit for many years solitude was definitely not something I ran towards.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word solitude?

Are they words or thoughts that sound inviting to you or dreadful??

I think deep inside each of us we actually crave and long for solitude. It’s woven into the fabric of who we are. 

As complicated as the word might feel to us…

Simply put, solitude is where we show with God simply as ourselves

That’s it. Pure and simple.

A sacred space for us and our God

I think solitude has become a foreign and intimidating idea for us because we live in a culture that is addicted to noise. Our lives are filled with one distraction after another.  We have the world in our fingerprints. At any moment we can reach out to a friend across the world or be made aware of the latest news of the moment.

It’s a gift AND it’s a lot!!!

It’s a gift in that we can stay connected to people in a way that was never possible before, but it’s a lot in that we weren’t designed to have constant stimulation and dopamine hits… and it’s addicting. It literally changes our brains.

I talk more about this in this week’s episode that comes out Thursday but I want to keep the Sunday episodes shorter with eyes and hearts on the Weekly focus from the seasonal journal.

Because of the opportunity we all have for constant distractions, we are the ones who have to be intentional about how we want to live.  

Are we going to be intentional about creating space for connection with God or are we doing to as I mentioned in the last episode stay on the endless illusion of “one day”  one day when things slow down

Scripture pretty much gives us the instruction on this idea of “one day”

And says to us…Choose today who you are going to surrender your life to..(my paraphrase ;)

I’ve lived and still am so believe me I get that it’s a daily practice of getting comfortable with BEING instead of DOING.

And I honestly don’t know how you do it without this special gift of Solitude.

This sacred space is where our spirit and God’s spirit dwell together. A space where we not only come to experience and know God on a deeper level but know ourselves on a deeper level as well.

Our true selves. Not the doing self that was only comfortable and worthy when doing something but the self that experienced perfect love in being who our God created and uniquely designed us to be.

Solitude is an invitation to stop all the doing and just be…

Be in God’s presence

Being still and knowing he is God.

I pray you say yes 

Happy new week friend!


S8 E38: There's No Shortcut, Easy Way OR Hack


S8 E36: Are You Putting God On Hold?