S8 E36: Are You Putting God On Hold?
Here we are halfway through the first month of the new year.
For a long time movement and moving forward has been applauded in Western Culture. Bigger faster better has been a common goal for many. But for many, the tide is shifting. The lure of bigger faster better is being replaced with deeper, slower, and purer.
We have seen evidence over and over again that bigger isn’t always better.
Often in our mindset shifting around something we can swing to the other extreme and pick which side we are on. Are we team hustle and achievement or team minimalist and chill?
Personally, I’m a both and girl. I’ve def always been passionate about the things I care deeply about which leads me to action but through the years I’ve grown and I’m continuing to grow in confident action that comes from surrendered stillness.
That’s me… and I know we are all wired differently so how you live might and should look like you.
Even you getting still… The outflow of our connection and relationship with God will look different. As well as how the connection takes place. The important thing is that you and I do connect with our Creator.
I would love to invite you today to let go of any preconceived ideas you have about what that should look like. And I know that’s hard because you can’t unload years of programming in an instant. But I would love for you to just open your heart and mind to the possibility that there might be ways God wants to connect and speak to you that you have yet to discover.
God is God and can and does speak to us however and whenever he chooses. We get a glimpse of a multitude of ways as we read through scripture. We see God speak through dreams and burning bushes..evidence that he will meet us where we are.
In each and every season of our lives. God is at work in and around us.
I think in some seasons we put God on hold. I mean we might not come right out and say that but our actions say that. We might be in a busy season so we keep running full steam ahead thinking one day… when things slow down I’ll spend more time with God. Or we might be in a really hard demanding season that is sucking the life out of us and we feel depleted and don’t feel like we have the energy for relationships… including God so we think of a future season where we envision easier days to be more intentionally in our relationship with God.
I get it. Life can keep us feeling like we are on an endless loop, and we can fall for the lie that we don’t have time now and the illusion of “one day”
So how do you get still when nothing is still around you?
Different seasons demand different things from us. AND different seasons gift different graces to us.
I can remember being at home all day with young children and my soul desperately longing for connection with God and another adult ha! And I would experience many moments of frustration trying to navigate what I felt I desired and how to make that work. I finally realized life had changed for me and I was in a different season so things that had previously worked probably weren’t going to work in the same way and would probably look different.
When I quit trying to force something to look like it had looked in previous years, maybe I wouldn’t have long stretches to read or talk in person with a friend over coffee. But I could grab moments all throughout the day to fill my spirit and soul with what I was longing for.
I had to let go of the idea that spending time with God had to look a certain way. That the spirit of God could speak to me as powerfully while I’m working through a sink full of dishes as he could at a church altar.
Don’t allow your circumstances to lie to you and convince you that God can’t meet you right where you are.
Maybe you are in a season that is demanding work-wise, and you don’t feel like you have much to give at the end of your day. Don’t wait to have time. Take the time. For most of us… time will never come to us. There is always something offering to fill our time. This is why we must be intentional about taking time to connect with God. whenever and however this. The when and how is the least important fact or detail…the most important is the interaction and connection that takes place.
God is God of the seasons and will meet you in the moments each of you are walking through.
My heart is so passionate about encouraging you to be intentional about connecting with your Creator because he created you for connection. He created you for relationship… not confined to special times during the year or special service times but all throughout the moments of your day.
However…and wherever….
I’m passionate about it because I’ve experienced the life-giving transformation that comes out of being intentional about connecting with God. and I feel like we overcomplicate things.
Even with what I share with you guys about practices and rhythms that have been so life-giving to me personally. The bottom line is I want to encourage you to connect… talking and listening to God speak to YOU.
I’ve mentioned that in the past few years, I’ve found myself intentionally walking into the new year slower and more reflective. Reflective in the sense that instead of setting new goals reflecting on how God is leading me and asking for clarity and confirmation.
And here’s the thing you guys….this relationship with God that we have been invited to isn’t one-sided! We talk to him and he talks to us…in many different ways.
Just this past week I was overwhelmed by how clearly God has been and is directing my steps by speaking in several different ways to my spirit.
Confirming, convicting, and challenging me all at the same time as only God can do.
Ask and expect to receive…it might not come like you were expecting but keep expecting
So as we are at the start of a fresh new calendar year in all of your planning and scheduling … don’t pack your schedule so full that you can’t breathe or receive the fresh breath of God in your life.
He will show up and meet you in and out of every season… let’s keep our hearts open to be aware of and receive all that he has for us.