S8 E29: Welcome Winter

Happy First Day of Winter friends!

I know many of you probably won’t be listening to this episode on the official first day of Winter as most are in full Christmas preparations and celebration mode! But whenever things settle down a bit I’m hoping you’ll join me in welcoming this new season that is upon us.

Today's episode I feel might have a different tone to it maybe a little more reflective and I think it’s because I’ve been deep in the season of all things WINTER.

Now I’m well aware that some of you are repelled by the darkness of a winter season and prefer flowery words and thoughts and brighter colors and that’s ok I’ll connect with you in a greater way in a few months as Spring comes back around. Ha! But for all my Enneagram 4s and deep feelers like me who grew up longing to watch sad movies that would make me bawl my eyes out!! You’re going to love walking through this winter season together. And as a heads up if you haven’t already received your winter journal the artwork for the weekly focuses are darker hues…purposefully. 

And if that’s not you …I would love to remind you that I've had several of you let me know that you have actually enjoyed your not-so-favorite seasons more this year because of how you chose to intentionally walk through it. And that couldn’t make me any happier to hear!!

 Looking back…I was always a reflective person

A deep feeler 

That feels like a liability when your feelings appear too much and you are frequently told you are too sensitive

over time I began to try and contain and cram all the thoughts and feelings running strong in my heart and mind

In a similar way, we try to contain and cram our bodies into too small or a tight pair of jeans.

It’s uncomfortable 

That process alone is uncomfortable

And sadly it doesn’t end there.

We proceed to live out our day contained and crammed into something we were never meant to fit in or be confined by

We show up uncomfortable in our homes

In our workplaces

In our relationship with our Creator….

We are agitated from the start with everything and everyone because of the discomfort we are walking around inside.

What I can see is clearly now is it wasn’t in the easy seasons of life where I found freedom and growth but it was out of the discomfort of walking through dark winter seasons.

We tend to think if only I wasn’t dealing with this then life would feel easy and good. And one day we realize that Winter is this mysterious mix of solitude and wonder.

The darkness of the season brings an initiation to solitude and stillness. An invitation to being still with God and ourselves.

It takes courage to get still and be seen.

Seen NOT in the way we desire and hope to be seen

But seen and know 

FULLY know by the one who knows us better than we know ourselves.

I think there can be a disconnect and struggle within us in our relationship with God if we aren’t honest in looking into how we are showing up and connecting with God.

God is GOD and he is all-knowing YET we aren’t fully experiencing connection with him when we aren’t allowing all of who we are to be seen and loved and strengthened in his presence.

When we show us wearing a mask and trying to appear presentable before God we are holding onto the places and spaces within us that need to be seen and healed.

Real honest connection requires vulnerability and radical honesty with God and with ourselves.

And that can feel scary 

We don’t want to go there and feel all the feelings

But God will meet you right there 

Where you honestly are

In the midst of all of your fears and insecurities and shame.

And I get that it can feel easier to stay busy and distracted and tell ourselves we don’t have time to stop and get still/

It feels easier and safer to cling to narratives we have created in our hearts and minds around situations, circumstances, and relationships in our lives INSTEAD of getting still and honest and allowing the spirit of God to shine light in the darkness in our souls and over any false narratives that we are clinging to.

When there is healing and wholeness when we are willing to show up and surrender OUR stories/

Winter seasons are a SHOUT to our souls to STOP and surrender when the whispers to get still have been ignored by our busyness and the distractions we choose over the connection with our creator and ourselves.

Which is the foundation of everything that flows out of us and touches everything our life touches.

Only when we are fully present with God and fully present with the truth of who we are we can fully and honestly show up and be present with others.

Jesus said this was the greatest of all the commandments to love God and love others as you love yourself.

This Sunday will be the first Sunday walking through the winter seasonal journal. It’s not too late to grab one if you’ve been thinking about it. You can find ordering info in the show notes.

You obviously don’t need to have one to follow along through the Sunday episodes that will be starting this Sunday.  But it’s a nice resource that adds even more focus and intention.

I thought I would share some of the weekly focuses found in this season's journal…

As much as we might not choose the darkness of Winter there is beauty to be found there. 

My prayer is that as we surrender our expectations and trust that his ways are not like our ways we will see his hand leading us and upholding us through our every moment.


S8 E30: Life Is Seasons- Winter


S8 E28: Preparing for the Next Season