S8 E30: Life Is Seasons- Winter
Merry Christmas friend.
This Sunday is full… not only is it the first Sunday in walking through the Season of Winter together. But it’s Christmas Eve!
Christmas Eve is my fav. I don’t know if it’s because growing up with most extended family being out of town, we always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve. It’s something I continued with my kids. So yeah I’m looking forward to gathering with my crew around the table tonight and lighting the last Advent candle together. Taking in all the wonder, joy, and peace this season is such a beautiful reminder.
We officially welcomed the winter season a few days ago and I’m looking forward to all that this season will hold for each of us.
The weekly focus in the Seasonal Journal this week is Life is Seasons.
I pray that wherever you find yourself today, whether that be in the midst of a crowded room of people or you are the only person in the room you feel God near.
I love the truth of God with us that is thought about more in this season but it’s a powerful truth and reality that we can live in every day and every moment. We focus on and celebrate our savior's birth during this time and are reminded that through all that his arrival accomplished and provided for us we are never left on our own, we have access to a constant helper comforter, and teacher to lead us and strengthen us.
So I thought it would be good to end this episode with a deep breath and a prayer.
Father, I thank you that you are with us...
Even now in the midst of the busyness, this season can bring to our lives the loneliness and loss it can so brutally remind us of in these moments.
So we choose to stop and take a deep breath and breathe in the love and goodness of all that you are. And exhale any heaviness that is weighing us down during this time.
You never promised we wouldn’t have troubles in this world but you have promised we would never face anything alone.
Thank you for the power and peace of your spirit that even in this moment brings life to weary hearts and minds. Brings peace to worried or anxious thoughts.
We are choosing to look to you as our ever-present guide as we enter this new season before us. You are our God and we place our hope and trust in you.
We love you and we are looking to you always!