SUMMER REWIND - Mind Your Business (S3 E3)
The conversation touches on the dangers of comparison and the importance of understanding our own potential and limitations. It also mentions the use of personality tests, such as the Enneagram, as tools for self-discovery.
SUMMER REWIND - Better Than You Imagined (S6 E4)
The conversation is centered around the theme of having expectations and believing that God's plans for our lives are better than we can imagine. The host encourages listeners to reflect on their year so far and to trust in God's power to accomplish more than they can ask or imagine. The conversation touches on topics such as disappointment, self-judgment, the lies of the enemy, and the importance of fighting from a place of victory. The host concludes with a prayer and encourages listeners to connect and share the episode with others.
Mid-Year Reflection
In this episode, Susan Beth reflects on the importance of living life intentionally and trusting in the desires placed within us by the Creator. She discusses the connection between connecting with God and living out our purpose. Susan Beth also shares her thoughts on the significance of birthdays and the mid-year check-in. She provides prompts for self-reflection and encourages listeners to seek growth and wholeness in all areas of their lives.
SUMMER REWIND - Are You Stressed OR Stretched? Knowing Your Capacity (S5 E17)
In this heartfelt Summer Rewind episode, Susan Beth reflects on a recent dance recital experience with her granddaughter, Ayla, which brings back memories of her own daughters' dancing years. This touching moment leads her to explore the concept of capacity and comparison, particularly how these can impact our lives and our sense of purpose.
SUMMER REWIND - Rest + Recovery (S7 E26)
Susan also shares exciting updates about the She Is Awakening Seasonal Journal and her new design line, Susan Beth Designs, featuring a luxurious silk scarf perfect for summer. Join Susan in walking through each season with intention and connecting with God meaningfully. Happy summer!
SUMMER REWIND: Mystery + Miracles (S7 E25)
This episode is a heartfelt journey through the importance of staying present, embracing growth, and recognizing the mysteries and miracles in our lives. Susan shares personal anecdotes and spiritual insights, encouraging us to savor each season and trust in God's higher plans.
SUMMER REWIND: Your Purpose Isn't One Thing... It's Everything You Are (Season 7 Episode 2)
This episode kicks off our Summer Rewind series, featuring one of the most listened-to episodes from October 2022. Titled "Your Purpose Isn't One Thing, It's Everything You Are," this episode delves into the importance of living intentionally and recognizing that every aspect of our lives can be an act of worship.
End Of Season Chat
Join Susan Beth as she explores the idea that feeling "stuck" is merely an illusion and encourages listeners to shift their perspectives. Discover how play, creativity, and intentional living can lead to a fulfilling and purpose-driven life. This episode also introduces exciting upcoming projects, including a new summer journal with a retro vibe and a focus on living freely and lightly.
S8 E61: Don't Miss The Growth + Beauty Blossoming Both Around and Within You!
Hey, hey, I hope you're doing well. You believe we are heading into the last week of May. And with the celebration of Memorial Day, some of you might be having a long weekend. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. May is a special month of memories that signifies for many walking out of one season of life and into the next. The momentum of May, nestled in the season of spring, is all about growth and things blossoming and blooming around us.
S8 E60: Full Lives... Full in the Fulness of God
Using the metaphor of motherhood, Susan discusses the physical and emotional stretching a mother experiences, leading to nurturing a new life. This life-changing event is a testament to how growth and transformation, though challenging, yield priceless rewards. She then relates this process to personal and professional development, emphasizing the importance of being open to changes and unseen opportunities behind-the-scenes.
Mid Spring Check-In
From her own personal experiences and the analysis of personality traits, Susan effortlessly links these concepts to explain why we often feel conflicted in our journey towards growth. She illustrates how our unique nature and preferences may lead us to perceive our individual growth paths differently from what society or others around us may think.
S8 E58: May We Experience All The Growth + Goodness MAY Has For Us
As May begins, we find ourselves at the spring's halfway mark—a moment of renewal filled with promise and potential. Listen in to find encouraging words and transformational thoughts that stress the beauty in being ourselves, as well as prayers of hope and positivity for this new month.
S8 E57: Are You Feeling Out Of Step in The Dance of Life?
In this thought-provoking episode of the Susan Beth Podcast, Susan uses the metaphor of a dance to delve into how we might perceive God's role in the journey of our lives. Drawing parallels with the journey of life and a ballet, she shares insights on how our desires and purposes are nurtured and sustained by the divine hand of the Creator. This episode serves as a reminder that despite the high and low tides in life, our path is being beautifully scripted by a divine force. Trusting in this divine guidance can help us navigate through the dance of life with grace and purpose.
S8 E56: God Wants To Empower and Be Strong In YOU!
In today's episode, we explore the beauty of the seasons following Resurrection Sunday, an integral part of our Christian faith that invigorates our spirits, filling our days with gratitude and empowerment. This sacred occasion invites us to celebrate both a season and a day alike, connecting to our deep roots of faith and spiritual traditions.
S8 E55: Is God Asking You To Do That?
My message today is not about figuring out how to find rest amidst chaos, it's more about asking the question - are you supposed to do all this in the first place? Understanding our role in following God is vital. It's not about creating our salvation; it’s about surrendering to God’s will. Our task is to be formed into the image of Jesus, living out everyday ordinary life centered around this goal.
S8 E54: Hope That Doesn't Disappoint
I could see how in some ways that I was not being intentional about that and wondered if that is. Coming out of some kind of self protection. Because if I'm not actually reaching or looking for something, then there's no disappointment when I don't get it or see it.
S8 E53: Do You Truly Want What You Think You Want? - Rethinking Desires and Expectations
You know, it's an example of we can't see what we can't see and sometimes it's only when we taste the fruit that we thought we desire, that we realize that we were longing and chasing a taste that we don't actually prefer or even desire.
S8 E52: Change Is In The Air... Let's Talk About It
Hi. You. Yes, I'm talking to you. Seriously, I am so glad that you are here today. Because I know that there are a lot of things that you could be filling your time and your ears with. So I'm grateful that you are spending time here.
S8 E51: Reflections | SHE IS Awakening Seasonal Journal | WINTER - Week 12
In the midst of these wonder-filled precious moments of life. For most of us, it takes effort and intention to stay present and not miss the beauty that is to be found in the moment. A moment that might be surrounded by heart. As a fellow sister who has walked through and navigated a few winter seasons. I can remember how the chill in the air and the dark days of winter can feel endless.
S8 E50: Getting Ready For Spring
The rains have soaked the earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers.
The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived.
I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken
you and guide you forth. Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you?
The early signs of my purposes and plans are bursting forth.
The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere.
The fragrance of their flowers whispers. There is change in the air.
Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place.
For now is the time to arise and come away with me.