S8 E49: Identity | SHE IS Awakening Seasonal Journal | WINTER - Week 11
In our formative years, our identity is often shaped by those closest to us, but ultimately, our true identity is rooted in Christ. As we grow and navigate the waters of life, we begin to understand that our thoughts and perceptions about our identity could inadvertently conflict with God's intended purpose for our lives. The essence of this episode is to encourage you to connect deeply to the Creator and allow His Spirit to guide and strengthen you.
S8 E48: Welcoming March In Winter
When I was younger, I thought that growth happened in the spring and in the summer seasons of our life.
But I've since learned that most of the deep and beautiful things in my life have been nourished and developed in the dark and the quiet spaces of a winter season.
And that has been a surprise to me. A surprise gift gift and the heart that has brought beautiful things to life.
S8 E47: Covered | SHE IS Awakening Seasonal Journal | WINTER - Week 10
This week's focus is called Covered, and it has us looking at the fact that when we are walking through a winter season or storm, we need to be covered.
And here's the beautiful good news.
S8 E46: Are You In Need Of A Snow Day?
Hi, friends. Today's episode is a throwback to an episode that I recorded in the middle of 2020, when life as we all knew it was turned upside down.
But this episode, it recently crossed my mind as I was thinking about snow days and rest that we can find and even choose in winter seasons of our lives. And I hope you enjoy listening.
S8 E45: Weathering Winter | SHE IS Awakening Seasonal Journal | WINTER - Week 9
You know, I remember that saying from childhood games of hide and seek growing up, and once ready or not, here I come was declared by your opponent, your only option was to hunker down and to try to stay safe.
S8 E44: What Is Wrong With Her?
So as the ceremony seemed to just continue and drag on, I guess I just felt this need to entertain myself.
So I began to just wildly, randomly cheer for random names being called out. And I was sitting on the road directly behind my mom and dad.
And I remember a random name being called out for their diploma. And I just started yelling and screaming like I was this person's biggest fan.
And I remember seeing my dad look at my mother and say, what is wrong with her? And I lost it.
Barren to Beautiful - SHE Is Awakening Seasonal Journal | WINTER - Week 8
Barrenness is a time when the landscape of our lives appears to lack growth and abundance, which can leave us dealing with uncertainty.
However, barren seasons are part of the human experience. experience. As uncomfortable as they are, they offer us profound lessons in perseverance as well as personal growth.
S8 E42: Alexis Morris Campbell | What Are You Afraid To Lose... Control?
This conversation highlights the importance of holding steadfast faith while navigating through life’s chaotic twists and turns. Discover Susan's 'She Is Awakening' journal, a wellness initiative curated to guide and support you during life's uncertain seasons. Join in this emotionally charged dialogue about female strength, faith, and motherhood, and find solace knowing that you are never alone in your struggles.
S8 E41: Rooted | The SHE IS Awakening Seasonal Journal | WINTER - Week 7
In this episode, we delve into the concept of being "rooted." Like the root systems that provide nourishment and stability to plants, our spiritual roots play an essential role in sustaining our lives, providing nourishment, stability, and a connection to something greater.
S8 E40: Holy Discontent | The Divine Invitation to Purpose and Transformation
That desire for something more, you know, that nagging sense that there's got to be a grander purpose to this roller coaster called life.
Well, welcome to the club of holy discontent.
S8 E39: Nothing To Hide | The SHE IS Awakening Seasonal Journal | WINTER - Week 6
Winter seasons can be brutal
In the physical season depending on where you live winters can be bitter cold and isolating
The natural rhythm of the season is subtle changes leading up to the change of colors and the falling away and loss of leaves
Sometimes the change we experience when walking through a Winter season in our life is long and drawn out but sometimes the change and loss is sudden and unexpected.
S8 E38: There's No Shortcut, Easy Way OR Hack
This past week I shared a screenshot in my stories of my “weekly report” that pops up on my phone each week informing me of the hours spent on this little device. It informed me that my screen time was down 53% in the past week. So I was asking if anyone else feels like they’ve failed when they get the message of a lower percentage for the week haha I think it’s just how it’s worded that it always makes me feel like it is a negative which is really funny since it’s actually a positive and usually intentional.
S8 E37: Solitude | The SHE IS Awakening Seasonal Journal | WINTER - Week 5
Solitude can be an intimidating even scary word for some of us. I will admit for many years solitude was definitely not something I ran towards.
What comes to your mind when you hear the word solitude?
Are they words or thoughts that sound inviting to you or dreadful??
S8 E36: Are You Putting God On Hold?
My heart is so passionate about encouraging you to be intentional about connecting with your Creator because he created you for connection. He created you for relationship… not confined to special times during the year or special service times but all throughout the moments of your day.
However…and wherever….
I’m passionate about it because I’ve experienced the life-giving transformation that comes out of being intentional about connecting with God. and I feel like we overcomplicate things.
Even with what I share with you guys about practices and rhythms that have been so life-giving to me personally. The bottom line is I want to encourage you to connect… talking and listening to God speak to YOU.
S8 E35: Darkness | Winter - Week 4
Happy New Week friend. This week's focus from the Winter Seasonal Journal is called DARKNESS.
With this focus title alone I know many of you are counting down the weeks until Spring HA!
But here I am showing up inviting you to be present in the season you are in. I ran in a store yesterday and I don’t know why I should be used to it but I genuinely am surprised when I find myself surrounded by seasons and celebrations months away.
And it reminded me, that one of the reasons it’s so hard to remain and stay present and be content in a season is because everything around us is trying to pull us ahead to what’s next.
So thanks for being here. Thanks for choosing to be intentional about your days and the way you desire to live the life God your creator created you to live.
S8 E34: Presence, Power, Purpose
And after hearing a few people talk about this concept of iteration years ago I could see clearly that’s what was happening in my life and that it was part of the process. And for me not to continually tweak and make changes would keep me stuck and not only would I be stuck but I would be stuck inside something that didn’t fit anymore.
And I’ve talked about this before but sometimes you don’t even know what fits or doesn’t until you try it.
S8 E33: When It All Falls Away
Happy 1st Sunday of 2024 friend! I hope you have been easing back into whatever normal life looks like for you this past week. And if you're still “easing” that’s perfectly fine too.
The weekly focus from the Winter Journal that we are going looking at this week is called “when it all falls away”
S8 E32: Longing + Lingering | A New Rhythm + Perspective Starting A New Year
Happy New Year. It’s our first episode in the new year and I’m so grateful you are here.
A few months ago I did an episode talking about some things we could be intentional about as we headed into a season filled with extra activities and celebrations. Lots of expectations and traditions wrapped up in the middle of it all and it can be a lot. I’m pretty sure the intention I started out with in that episode was expectations and emphasized the importance of holding our expectations loosely. Keeping our focus on what really matters and being flexible with everything else.
S8 E31: Welcoming a New Season + New Year
It’s the last Sunday of the year.
“Welcome Winter” is the weekly focus for week 2 in the Winter Journal.
This week has us simultaneously saying goodbye to a calendar year and saying hello to a new year.
For some of you, you have been eager to close the door on 2023 and are excited about the fresh perspective and start that welcoming a new year brings to our lives.
S8 E30: Life Is Seasons- Winter
Merry Christmas friend.
This Sunday is full… not only is it the first Sunday in walking through the Season of Winter together. But it’s Christmas Eve!
Christmas Eve is my fav. I don’t know if it’s because growing up with most extended family being out of town, we always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve. It’s something I continued with my kids. So yeah I’m looking forward to gathering with my crew around the table tonight and lighting the last Advent candle together. Taking in all the wonder, joy, and peace this season is such a beautiful reminder.